Top Positive Benefits of Using Cannabidiol Oil
There are many claims circling the use of cannabidiol. Some of these claims are negative and some are positive.
Although the plant is as controversial as several public scandals, researchers are not denying that the substance could be explored further through rigorous studies which can prompt bigger companies to tap into the medicinal potency of this substance. For this post, we are focusing on learning more about the positive benefits of using the oil extract of Cannabis sativa.
Brief History of Cannabis sativa for Medicinal Purpose
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The use of this five-leafed plant for curing pains dates as far back as 4,000 years ago. Early literature state that it was a wide remedy for pain during this period in around Asia, the Middle East, and even in Rome and Greece.
Eventually, this foreign knowledge was brought to Britain and the Americas in the 1800s. By then, doctors would prescribe taking the extract as an analgesic or a substance that alleviates pain.
However, the lifespan of the oil as a prescribed analgesic was short-lived due to the materialization of aspirin and other pain relievers. By 1970s, it was officially considered as a banned drug alongside coke and heroin. When the ban was released in 1970, medicinal marijuana was described as a drug that had a high probability of being abused and had zero medicinal benefits.
Recent developments have sparked the interests of researchers and scientists. Together they are trying to unlock the potential benefits that one can get from the hashish plant. Through specific ways of derivation, producers have been able to remove the mind-altering substance called tetrahydrocannabinol and retain an equally helpful cannabinoid called cannabidiol which is deemed worthy against pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. It was also discovered that this substance can help in managing the symptoms related to cancer treatment as well as counteract against the negative effects of tetrahydrocannabinol.
Can Reduce Pain
We learned from the plant’s brief history that it was widely used to relieve a person’s pain in several regions in Asia, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean. Modern research tells us that the specific substance found in the plant called cannabidiol is responsible for this positive effect.
Research on rats with chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain revealed this substance’s effects against pain. The rats’ prostaglandin levels were monitored before, during and after the administration of the cannabidiol oil capsules. What the results showed was a reduction in their pain hormones, thereby, supporting the claim that this substance was safe to use against chronic pain.
An article from the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology entitled “Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: An Updated Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials” discovered that market-available cannabinoids do a pretty decent job at relieving one’s pain. The researchers suggest that this substance may actually be considered as a worthy pain-reliever medicine.
Can Help Manage Symptoms Due To Cancer Treatment
Symptoms of cancer treatment include pain, nausea, and vomiting. A large cause of concern because treatments should be able to help you and not make any pain worse.
One study of 16 participants who were also undergoing chemotherapy made use of a mouth spray that contained cannabidiol/tetrahydrocannabinol. Based on their self-reports, the symptoms that they were experiencing prior to using the CBD/THC-induced mouth spray were less apparent when they started using the said mouth spray. The CBD/THC mouth spray can be seen as an effective alternative to opiods in easing the symptoms due to cancer treatment.
Can Protect Hashish Users Against the Negative Effects of THC
Marijuana users are often portrayed as the laid-back, extra chill person in media stereotypes. This stereotype is sometimes deemed acceptable to be positive. However, studies will show that over time, overuse of the plant can have detrimental effects. The negative effects of using hashish, such as cognitive impairment, schizophrenia, increased anxiety may not be apparent to all, and only to some.
A study looked into whether or not CBD can protect recreational users from the negative effects of tetrahydrocannabinol. Surprisingly, it did. The limitations of this study, however, was that this was lab-tested and only a single kind of hashish was used. The researchers agree that the study could be expanded in order to have a more comprehensive conclusion on the protective effects of CBD against THC.
Can Help Reduce Schizophrenia, Insomnia, Anxiety, and Depression
Schizophrenia is a long-term mental disorder that causes people to have incorrect perceptions of the world around them. A review of several studies linking the curative properties that CBD had against schizophrenia was positive. This meant that there is some curative potential that can be found in cannabidiol for patients with Schizophrenia.
Aside from Schizophrenia, it was also observed that the use of the cannabidiol as management for insomnia, anxiety, and depression, to be positive. Further research and trials are still required, however, the possibility of use of CBD oil for treating insomnia, anxiety, and depression cannot be denied and in fact, should be further looked into.
Can Help with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) and Reduction of Acne
With the positive effect of CBD as an analgesic, it was also trialed for the use of managing a very rare and challenging skin disease called Epidermolysis Bullosa or EB. This skin disease is seen in repeated blistering and healing which can sometimes eat away parts of the skin and muscle tissues. This disease does not only cause itchiness, but is also painful as it affects the tissues. A study that was done in 2018 reviewed self-reports of people suffering from epidermolysis bullosa and used CBD as a topical treatment. The respondents reported faster healing times, less blistering, and fewer pains.
Another skin disease that CBD was helpful with was Acne Vulgaris. This common skin disease happens when the pores are blocked with sebum and dirt. This causes the skin to produce bumps which contain blood and pus. A group of researchers looked into the possibility of lessening the inflammation of skin using CBD to further lessen acne. Their study turned out positive and it was concluded that CBD can be a positive treatment against acne.
CBD OIL – Interview with a Therapist
These studies are all supportive of the idea that CBD can work against various ailments that range from cancer to mental disorders, and even as a cure for acne. It is important that this information is taken with a grain of salt before going ahead and proceeding with self-treatment. Before you go ahead and do so, we advise reading and consulting with your doctor instead of self-medicating.
The researchers who did the work on these positive effects of CBD encourage more trials and studies for more solid and conclusive proof that indeed, this plant-derived substance is the answer to these ailments.
That said, be sure to check out my review on five of the CBD oils available in the market today and if you’re still wondering what CBD is, read all about it here.
My acne has been my problem for years. I’m guessing that it is stress-related all because of how cbd was able to treat it. I’m no expert but I think I know my body well enough. Aside from using it as a salve for my skin issues, it has helped very well with my dry lips which is also another problem of mine. CBD oil for skin care is so great especially when the weather is harsh. I’m using one especially now that it is fall when I’m more prone to dryness. Cool blog!!! And thank you for spreading the word about CBD! I agree with the guy here before me that said something about THC and how it is the factor that gets you high which is not always present in all CBD oil products!
First of all, congratulations on the success of your blog, Darion. Been keeping tab of your blog since the beginning. I wonder how baxter is. Anyway, can you describe to me, a non cbd oil taker, what it feels like to take it in oil form… is it icky? I’m very picky when it comes to food textures and slimy food are a big N-O to me. It’s just weird. Would love to hear about that!!!
Yeah, it is not sticky and the texture is fine but if you are not used to common oils then it may not be a fit for you. Thanks for being a TopRated fan!
I have never had anything work so well thats close to how CBD worked for my pains. I get terrible migraines which happen everytime i get home. It is very weird because for some reason it only happens when im.home! Cbd works wonders, I tell you. Keep on spreading the good word!
Great article on the benefits of CBD oil. People have this misconception that when you use CBD, you’re planning to get high. Haha that’s really not the case, unless you’re taking something that has the potent to get you high, which is the THC. I just wished that you emphasised on the fact that its the THC that gets you high and not CBD so more people can experience these benefits more.